Gene Jacket

It’s obviously not something we’re terribly pleased about.”

Boy howdy do I not give a shit about this game.

A spacey, hard sci-fi TES/Fallout should be so absolutely my shit, but my faith in Bethesda as a developer is essentially zero and when I really think about it the only game of theirs I’ve ever actually enjoyed was Skyrim...and that comes with a whole shit-ton of caveats.

I’ve quite enjoyed what little I’ve played of it, but my tablet can’t run it at all, and I can only play it on my phone for about 20 minutes before it heats up to unsafe levels and decimates my battery.

It’s a good game, as a lot of Marvel’s mobile titles are (I’ve put a ridiculous amount of time into Future Fight and

So...what is it about THIS game, specifically, that has people so crazy about it?

I ask because I’ve seen tons of screenshots and watched a handful of streamers play quite a bit of it and...I don’t get it, this thing just looks so incredibly dull to me. I see it and think, why are people flipping shit over this? Does

So it’s going to be a piece of shit, unsurprisingly, because those piece of shit games are made by a piece of shit.

Acti-Blizz made $5.75 BILLION in 2020 off microtransactions, dlc, services, etc. None of that includes actual game sales. Their total 2020 revenue was $8.09 Billion.

That $18 Million in hush money they paid is precisely 0.31% of $5.75 Billion, and 0.22% of their entire 2020 revenue.

I was born and have lived here my entire 40 years.

Texas may not be a failed state yet, but we’re getting there real, real, real fuckin’ quick.


No cartoon, animated movie, or video game has EVER been made better by casting a big name marquee actor over a seasoned VA.


The Avengers sucks.

The nailgun (the ONLY silenced weapon), with Aether & Nexus is all you will ever need if you want to quickly and silently kill everyone/everything.

Also, don’t listen to ANY of this, because experimentation and discovery is more than half the fun of Deathloop and if you follow any tips/guides I can guarantee you won’t

I don’t disagree with any point made, but I will say that the barrier to entry isn’t quite as radical or steep as people make it out to be. A mid-range gaming pc and a wired Quest 2 will suffice just fine. You absolutely do not need the best of the best, most expensive hardware on the market or Valve’s ridiculously

There’s going to be a massive changing of the guard, a whole bunch of very highly paid mid-level do-nothing suits are going to “resign” or get the axe to save face, and Blizzard is going to be absolutely gutted and fully absorbed into the Activision machine (which is EXACTLY what Activision has always wanted, though

Nothing successful has ever been bad!

Jokes on y’all, this is 100% real.

Heavy Rain, Beyond, Detroit...some of the absolute most insufferably pompous narratives with dialogue seemingly written by someone who has never actually ever HEARD another person speak.

Three words:


This part:

In the first Dishonored, I totally get a non-lethal makes total narrative sense to pursue that route. Same for Death of the Outsider.

Playing as Emily in Dishonored 2, though, full-on murder spree High Chaos is absolutely the way to go. Corvo’s kit is still geared more toward non-lethality, but almost all of

That’s what I’m told, and that’s cool, but I’ll never reinstall the game to find out.