Gene Jacket

Weirdly, I can see single comment greys, but not replies...they all been Kinja’d.

It is, and that’s awesome, but I have to assume Dread is going to be entirely front-loaded. It’s well worn territory to point out that Metroid titles have, historically, not sold particularly well, and Pokemon games generally have very, very, very long tails.

Also worth noting that Dread is out in a matter of weeks and

I’ve been back in the greys for a month or so now, and far as I can tell it takes 2 stars for a comment to be un-greyed.


Probably for calling staff out on stuff like saying...


Yeah, I don’t get it either. They already remastered 1-3 for modern hardware, so porting them to PC shouldn’t be that much of a problem.

But, I really, really, really dislike UC4, so this collection is not for me. I’d buy Lost Legacy on its own again, though.

The highly anticipated sequel to 2018’s Spider-Man finally got an announcement. The trailer also heavily hinted at the inclusion of Venom and Miles Morales, who got his own game. Spider-Man 2 will be out for the PS5 in 2023.

The ones you see at GS are licensed merchandise coming from a reputable publisher (like Prima) where, yes, the license holder gets a kickback from every copy sold. That’s the difference, Nintendo didn’t shut it down because the guy was (rightfully) charging for the work, they shut it down because they weren’t getting

Counterpoint: For $20, fuck it, jump in!

I’m not going to pretend the game doesn’t have a litany of issues, most of which stem from the live-service aspect that feels bolted on as an afterthought to the story-driven single player/co-op game Crystal Dynamics WANTED to make, but it’s also a pretty damn solid 3rd person

Counterpoint: For $20, fuck it, jump in!

I’m not going to pretend the game doesn’t have a litany of issues, most of

It’s also totally bullshit. Both individuals and private theaters do paid screenings of old movies they haven’t licensed all the time.

It may not be “legal”, in the strictest sense, but the studios know the amount these screenings are making is (to them) less than nothing, and it isn’t worth the effort to shut them

That’s kind of what I assume. Nintendo know these people can’t afford to challenge them, so they send their lawyers to put the fear of God in them, but when/if one of these does go to court and Nintendo has to prove these tournaments or mods actually hurt them...they won’t be able to do so with anything but the most

That’s what I’m asking, come after them for what?

Brawl is a discontinued product, played on a discontinued hardware platform that is no longer supported by Nintendo.

People keep saying that modding the game break the TOS...which, maybe, but it’s also a 13 year old game that Nintendo hasn’t supported in over a

Here’s a question for the group: What’s stopping players and event organizers from just...doing it anyway?

The rom site shutdowns I totally get. Even some of the fan-game bullshit I kind of understand...AM2R was dropping around the same time as Samus Returns (and was the better game, IMO, though they can absolutely go

It is good, but it bums me out that stuff like this and Future Fight (another very good Marvel mobile game) are stuck on mobile.

Were those two on PC, Future Revolution especially since it really, really, really is just a new Marvel Heroes, I’d be playing them CONSTANTLY.

So incredibly, heartbreakingly sad...but, at least he spent his remaining time getting to do something he loved and was genuinely passionate about. That’s inspiring.

Godspeed, friend.

I agree, Feb is FAR too packed, and I’m willing to bet at least a couple of the smaller titles (like Sifu and Evil Dead) end up getting bumped up or pushed back to give them some distance from the heavy hitters.

Still, trying to juggle Witch Queen, Horizon, and Saints Row is going to be hell.

Since it arrived it’s basically just been a Returnal machine...which is fine, it’ll be there when there is something I absolutely HAVE to play asap, but I’ve put more time into my Switch since I got it, and that’s basically just a Monster Hunter machine.

Another very lapsed player here. I went hard on Beyond Light and that first season, but played maybe 2-3 hours of the second season, then dropped it and haven’t been back since.

I’ve been following the ongoing seasonal story beats via youtube, but haven’t actually touched the game because I have lost all patience and

I am still utterly baffled by the fact that Aliens: Fireteam Elite has no crossplay.

An online-only multiplayer title, based on one of the most popular and iconic action/horror IP of all time, is launching in 2021 with ZERO crossplay...yet something like Splitgate, an entirely independently developed and published