
No. The term "trolling" presumes a degree of forethought and reasonable calculation to elicit substantive counterpoints. Your comment was little more than an electronic pool of loose stool shat from your pitiably simple "mind."

Nice to see something produced by a Lindbergh that hasn't been completely destroyed by Bruno Hauptmann.

"Hate to say I told you so."

"And don't get me started on American Hustle. There was like, what, maybe thirty seconds of dancing in the whole damn movie? What the hell kind of false advertising is that?"

Hennessey never fought a bear but he did once con a yak.

Meanwhile, Eli Gold's account of the same event was a brief "ROLL DAMN TYKE!"

Leave Brad Smith out of this, Brian.

Be honest: who's the bigger primadonna, Glen Frey or Don Henley?

Cart before the horse, my friend. You have to be drafted before you become a rook.

Cool story, bro.

Because he's a loser who makes himself feel better by putting others down, notwithstanding the fact that he's pretty much the stupidest, most clueless poster in all of Gawkerdom. Go look at his history of comments (that haven't been dismissed, that is).

Also, most Americans are smart enough to know when they're being trolled by something that is obviously tongue in cheek, so you keep on keepin' on, Einstein. And please continue to use words like "retarded." It really enhances your image of mental superiority.

Like Jordan Matthews, perhaps?

Feel better? That's great.

"What are you talking about?"

There's always time in the day to remind smug Canadians how stupid they are.

You realize Americans moved on days ago because we're not a one-trick pony?

The whole stoner sports in the Olympics storyline was tired and threadbare a week ago. I hope this is the last we see of Kotsenburg and his ilk for another four year and that this mock commercial was made for closure.

These pictures should not exist.