Poor Grimes, completely unfamiliar with what it takes to roll around in the mud with dawgs.
I couldn’t agree more! I look at the images attached to this article and am reminded of “Hitler’s Bullyboys” The Brownshirts, an early Nazi militia which aided Hitler’s rise to power, infamous for their operation outside of the law and their violent intimidation of Germany’s leftists and Jewish populations.
But in both cases, the perception was that Heigl was simply acting ungrateful toward the projects that made her famous.
The Shadow Kardashian.
I liked LCK for about 15 minutes. Long before the scandal emerged, I had grown to find him depressing, sickening. A wallow.
Omigod what an awesome picture of her too! The perfectly calibrated, calculating smile... PROFESSIONALISM!
There’s a crazy rich Asian stylist workin’ overtime, bishes!
Oh yes, thank you!!!
...completely insipid, mindless, classless fools.
Let’s face it: Hair Control is the bane of existence. For both women and men.
If you are afraid of loneliness, do not marry. – Anton Checkov
When my British friends tease me about my various pronunciations, they make me feel like I’m the one with the “accent”, not they. LOL! They may have a point!
Scapegoating is a thing. An ancient, unrelenting, yet unacceptable thing that rears its ugly head in all sorts of social situations. It seems like 99% of the population is continually searching for some vulnerable person or group to hang its shit on.
I have both lived in foreign countries, and worked for corporations peopled with employees from various countries who spoke English as a second language. One of the problems with living in a foreign but English-speaking society is that you are continuously confronted with a variety of accents and pronunciations that…
I’ve watched a few of her videos and cringed all the way through; I get the gross-out appeal, but it’s not really my cup of tea. Regardless, I seriously appreciate what she is doing for public health. Many of the people she has treated were suffering needlessly (with giant lipomas and cysts) and I applaud how she is…
Great article. I’ve found that when it comes to weed, I get very, very high –high-spirited, open-hearted, insightful, energetic, erotic – followed in short order by an equal and opposite low. I’m talking one hit only. I don’t know if it’s serotonin, THC or some other hormonal equation, but as much as I enjoy the high,…
Thank you! Some people believe that anything can be made the subject of a joke. But for me, some subjects should be off limits.
She was on Maron???
I adore her on Chilling. Lucy’s Aunt Hilda brilliantly recapitulates Marion Lorne’s bumbling, eccentric, lovable Aunt Clara on the original Bewitched.