
Any mental health professional will tell you that you can’t diagnose someone without sitting down and talking to them.

A total loser!

a post that would have put him in charge of defending the Trump administration in lawsuits”

I don’t know, I am leaning towards the diagnosis that he’s just a giant asshole.

Fact: Soda takes years off your life.

Michael hung out, traveled with, & yes slept in-the-same-room with DOZENS of boys throughout the years who ALL have said (including the two latest accusers) that they were NOT molested, nothing like that ever happened. The LAPD & the FBI conducted and exhausted a 10-year investigation & they BOTH concluded there was NE

Personally, I wouldn’t even place Jackson in the top 100 artists of all time. I found him tacky, overly sentimental, and his music bloated, overly-serious, over-hyped and insanely overrated by his fans to the point of nausea. He wasn’t cool after the 80s, he was a very famous mainstream pop artist who seemed old hat

I sang “Man in the Mirror” in front of the entire school in 4th grade. It was the first time I ever stood in front of a large group of people, performed, and enjoyed the thrill of an audience cheering for me.

It’s so strange now, because I’ve always loved singing that song. I can nail it, and I’ve generally sang it at

I’m a survivor of childhood sexual abuse over the course of years by a loved one.

Guilty/Not Guilty, I feel like we did all this with Jackson already, twice.

What surprises me the most is that there were decades of lawsuits, books, and not so secret tell-alls published about how MJ molested children, yet everyone NOW is having a mental breakdown about him because of an HBO documentary. I mean, really?

This. Plus, the man is dead. If we wanted to enact any kind of justice on him, like, we’re too late.  I feel like I can still listen without guilt, without any sense of moral hazard, and while I can certainly respect that someone who’s had different life experiences might not feel that way, writing a whole article

Few people are all good or all bad. All people do some good and some bad things in their lives. As to whether one chooses to continue to consume the material produced by an artist after one finds out about some of the bad things the artist did during their life - I guess that’s a personal choice, but one should stay

Dude, you know James Brown was a violent woman beater and Miles Davis was a pimp, right?

Michael Jackson thinkpieces are so two weeks ago

Poor Andrew. 

Chelsea Clinton’s reaction to a deeply offensive accusation was incredibly polite. She’s impressive as hell. The students not so much.

Israel doesn’t have the right to exist in the way it exists at present. Fuck Zionism. Also, fuck these two clowns. Good to see they’re putting those NYU tuition fees to good use, being opportunist attention seekers instead of sitting down, shutting up and actually learning something.

These two ladies suck. Chelsea Clinton - an unelected person with no real power or platform is responsible for the NZ mosque attack??

“Just Shoot Me”
-Kurt Cobain