
Does anyone know how the Asian markets are faring since the beginning of the trade war? Somehow I can’t find anything online.

I suspect there’s something to a poker game metaphor. Trump should be playing his cards closer to the vest. All that flailing, including “tweeting” ideological dictation to the masses makes him look desperate. The world’s economies are playing poker with a clown. It doesn’t instill investor confidence.

I am not a paranoid individual, but when paranoia does strike, this is where it goes: the fear that I’m secretly being poisoned. Don’t know why, but there you have it. And your article amped it up tenfold.

...but dressed as Santa, of course.

Agreed. All the worst problems in life come from taking responsibility for something that is really not your responsibility to begin with. Don’t get sucked into treating someone like a child unless they are, in fact, your child.

JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)!

I believe it’s called a Plain Jane Christmas Tree, a decorating tip I learned from this:

It’s gorge!!!

Officially requesting the Twitterverse avoid investigating anything I’ve said or done prior to 2014.

I’m 100% down with your assessment here, Sherman. I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but somehow Thorne’s got a finger set squarely on the Klitgeist.

I didn’t either – until I found myself getting sick of staring at screens! It’s a way to engage with media and subject matter you’re curious about – without looking at a screen. There are various projects and tasks in my art studio which require my visual attention. Interview podcasts contribute a background conversati

I am 100% down with your critique, Hazel. This has been driving me crazy!!! As I see it, the reason a movie wig has to be sublime is because in a film, a person’s head is blown up 400 x Actual Size: details are scrutinized. If Michelle Williams wears a casual, ‘everyday’ wig for a role, we may as well be examining

Yeah I been workin’ on my fantasy list of actresses that might replace Samantha Jones. Bassett’s in the top 5. They will need someone at Bassett’s level if they want to get the SATC gravy train back on track.

Wow, but not surprisingly, ObamaCare was just ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by a highly respected judge in Texas. Great news for America! - Trump


I am so down for this I can smell the road apples and furniture polish.

Did exactly as you recommended and just finished purchasing a 6 pack online! Thanks so much for the rec.

I’m not sure but it clearly helped Cher feel safe, don’t you think?

After the recent horrifying spate of terrorist attacks on concert venues, I don’t blame any performer for any precautions they feel they have to take.... including never getting on a stage again.