Privacy is just another term for low self-esteem!
Privacy is just another term for low self-esteem!
This sounds like an excellent idea. The Pure Enrichment model you linked to is better than the cheaper Sunbeam model, which auto shuts-off after 2 hours. If the Q&A is to be believed, the auto shut-off can be overridden on the Pure Enrichment version... better to heat the toes all night long.
Very animism, sort of shinto.
Warm socks are a must-have for the cold-blooded like myself. Can anyone link to a good pair? The thicker and warmer the better. Also, fluffy sock-slipper combos you can wear to bed (yes, I’m single).
I totally hear you. I only wanted a photo that illustrated my point – the interior decoration equivalent of the serenely unencumbered feeling encountered after having taken a hugely satisfying and long-overdue dump.
I wish people would lay off Dick Van Dyke. The accent he uses in the original MP is typical of the villagers in Berkshirefordbriarshire-by-the-sea, where his family maintains an opulent winter estate.
I think of clutter as a form of constipation. When I just accumulate, accumulate, accumulate, not just my living space but somehow my entire life begins to feel blocked, congested. Change, forward movement is thwarted. There is no room for the new.
Dear Kendall,
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard or so consistently at any show – and yet I hardly see VEEP mentioned in the comments!
I’m with you on Seinfeld. I found it funny, but I knew too many smug fucks in the 90s to fully commit to a show glorifying them. But have you caught JLD on VEEP? Has me howling with laughter every episode.
“Maaarcus, Darling...”
The road of excess leads to Caesars Palace. - William Blake
Don’t write off Netflix schlock just yet! I’m no fan of these kinds of films, but I happened upon Netflix A Christmas Prince (2017) last night (the original meet-cute one, not the dreary 2018 sequel about the wedding) and I fell into the kind of hypoglycemic swoon I last experienced tucking into a giant banana split…
I don’t know jack about astrology but I’ve been told by an expert that I’m a Feces. Apparently we’re warm, malleable– but ultimately disposable (the sum total of my knowledge on the subject).
Would you be good enough to recommend one or two films? I’ve been curious about the genre but have no clue where to start...
If we only call female teats, nipples – and male teats, nips – we’ll have arrived at a satisfying, semantic solution. Thank you everyone, and good night.
Not entirely sure I recognize any significant difference between Tumblr and Instagram, but whatever.
Spring Awakening, which is a very young cast, and that they had been asked not to see anybody who didn’t have more than 5,000 followers on their Twitter site…
the musical equivalent of naked mud wrestling