
Yet there’s also something enjoyable subversive about the way that McKenna purposefully relegates Grenier and Simon Baker (who plays Andy’s other love interest) to the kind of thinly written, thankless roles that women usually have to play in big studio comedies.

“Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

O God please let it be so! I’m just hoping for some relief to the shame and embarrassment I’ve been enduring as an American for the past year.

Grande’s music is all syrupy confection: it makes me hypoglycemic. Girl needs to put down the pixie sparkle fairy dust for 5 minutes and swing a brass ovary or something.

Sounds like something of an After School Special, a “teachable moment”, an educational tool for backward communities mired in homophobia.

Horror Themes I Am Down For:

Gemini is the sign of the “child.” So please don’t make fun of Lana del Rey’s bratty fight challenge to Azalea. She’s acting the only way we Geminis know how to act: like juvies on psychedelic drugs.

Maybe television and film plotlines about glamorously slaughtering people with guns could be reduced from about 80% to about 55-60%? That might help to resolve these embarrassing premier delays.

OK, okayyy – I’ll take him off my list!

She’s too busy photographing her ass.

Celebrities that rub me the wrong way:

The proliferation of “comments sections” in online magazines has really brought home, for me, how deeply misogyny, racism, homophobiaand hate in generalare embedded in society. People are fucking crazy.

Check out the comments section in any article about her, especially in the UK.

Whatever happened to empathy? Trying to look at phenomena from another person’s POV is a thing so-called “intelligent people” are supposed to know how to do.

Now playing

If this is something on your mind, I heartily recommend you watch the new Netflix drama, Wanderlust, which examines exactly this subject.

I imagine any crazy secret kinks I share with a partner will be thrown in my face in the divorce.

I think that might be why I’m not having any. I’m just not happy with my body, and it inhibits me. I live in LA, fabled land of the perfect bodies. If you’re even 10 lbs overweight here, you’re immediately deported.

I love me some Meghan. I can’t help myself. She’s elegant, full to the brim with decency and good will – and she’s got charisma up the wazoo. Topping it all off is that sexy-in-love glow.

I have a creeping fear we are witnessing the disintegration of our civilization, a twilight in which every citizen is encouraged to brandish an automatic weapon, a conspiracy theory and an itchy trigger finger.