
That’s my take. Like one, maybe two presents filled with rocks would be understandable, but all of them is way over the top. To a kid that age that would feel like eternity, and it obviously stuck with the poster to this day.

Come on, that was both intentional AND funny.

I once gave my wife a gag gift for Christmas she wasn’t very happy about. It was a bath mat I had custom made that said “Turn off your straightener.”

As a non-drinker who worked in the events industry for several years I heard just about all of these. Eventually I got so tired of it I just started wanting to say “Actually it’s because I’m in training for the Olympics. Or I’m a Mormon. Or I’m an alcoholic. Or I’m pregnant. Which one do you like best?” I never did,

I’ll say this: My wife got vaccinated several weeks ago because she’s a nurse. Two weeks ago I got COVID, as did all four of our kids. She’s had two negative tests despite being the full-time caregiver for a house filled with COVID patients. She hasn’t had any symptoms whatsoever. I know it’s anecdotal, but, I’m a big

You can usually get around that by spoofing your laptop’s MAC address to be identical to the Chromecast’s. Sign in with the laptop, put the MAC address back, then connect the Chromecast. Bob’s your uncle.

I got mine to work by spoofing my Chromecast’s MAC address on my laptop, go through the captive portal sign in, then put my laptop’s MAC address back to its default. When you put your Chromecast on the network the network thinks it’s already authorized your Chromecast so it can hop on no problem. The issue comes when

Pair your Chromecast (or streaming device of choice) with a travel router like this one. Many hotels and the like have tricky wifi policies that can make it hard to get all your devices online without hassle, payment, or both. Plug this little guy into the Ethernet jack and your devices have a familiar, nearby wifi

I have the Essential PH-1 and was able to turn this on with no installs or anything. Hoping this service takes off. This seems like a good step toward stemming the tide of scam callers. I’ve noticed a definite decrease in volume with the other services Google has rolled out (probably combined with other efforts I’m

Are you allowed to share the name of this game, or did you sign an NDA?

I hope this is one of those titles that Nintendo milks with remakes and sequels for decades to come. It was truly a fantastic game. One of very few sequels of any sort that took everything good about the original and improved on it. I’ve always felt LTTP was a little held back by somewhat clunky inventory management

This is the first comment I’ve read that seems to have made a cogent suggestion about how to move forward. Broadening the scope of who a 911 dispatcher can send to a scene seems like a perfectly reasonable step to take. They should be able to send more than just cops or firefighters. I like this idea a lot. Thank you

Seems like some people should only watch documentaries. Documentaries made exclusively by politicians they’re voting for in the next election. It’d be a shame to see any complexity, gray area, or controversial opinions in a fictional show about fictional cops.

I was with you for the whole thing except that part where you talk about the Mormons. That’s not it at all. You make a good point overall, but you veered off into the weeds and undermined what you’re saying by getting that part so wrong.

My wife and I came up with a solution. We have a “Chooser” and a “Picker.” The Chooser chooses a selection of 3-5 movies they would be fine watching that night. The Picker has to pick from that selection. We take turns being the Chooser and Picker. In the end it ensures you both at least somewhat agree on what is

I was dying to see some Optimus Rhyme get mentioned. Autobeat Airbus, Ping Pong Song... come on these guys deserve respect.

My boys became obsessed with the Tasmanian Tiger after seeing it on an episode of Wild Kratts about a year ago. I have to admit, after seeing literally every second of film we have of this species I’m a little obsessed now, too. Super sad that they’re extinct.

I’m surprised to find so many people so willing to write of what seems on its face to be a sexual assault. The way he describes it makes it seem pretty obvious. But you’re welcome to interpret things how you see fit, as am I. I just know that if the genders were reversed, this would be seen as a much bigger deal.

I couldn't possibly agree more with everything you said. Hear, hear!

This isn’t about justice. This is about not wanting Biden to be the candidate for any reason they can find, hear about or, make up. It’s sad because even if Biden is out, none of their preferences will be in as the new cadidate.