
So rape women, but toe the party line? Got it.

THANK YOU for mentioning Clinton. He has still never properly acknowledged or dealt with the numerous accusations of rape and sexual assault thrown at him over the years, and many of those are much more recent than some of the Franken, et al issues. If he’s a predator let’s treat him like all the other predators.

“A vote for America Ferrari is a vote for awesomeness. I’m America Ferrari and I approve of how awesome my name is.”

So are we still going to ignore Bill Clinton’s rape accusers? Because a BUUUUUNCH of those happened more recently than Franken et al.

Did you choose to get drunk? Then you’re also accountable for your actions thereafter. Should we excuse drunk drivers because they were drunk when they chose to drive?

Counterpoint: What about supporting a person and his/her ideas rather than voting for political parties? There are smart, ethical people in both parties, so why not judge a candidate that way rather than “Well that guy did some crap so I can’t vote for this guy?” I get not wanting to support a political party you

Relax. All my posts were a joke.

Totally with you there. Most people don’t know other people’s kids well enough to give a toy that will hold their interest longer than 5 minutes, so they go for the biggest, loudest, flashiest thing they can. I would rather get a book I can read with my kid. Keep it up, please.

We had success with a toy purge recently by letting our 4-year-old twins do the purging. I sat and explained to them that some kids don’t have toys to play with, so we are going to give some of our toys to them. I set out one bin for keepers and one to give away. They got really into it and donated some toys I never

I made a rule for myself: I won’t buy a game until I’ve put at least 5 or more hours into the last one I bought. I’ve missed deals on occasion, but I have a leaner games library now and it keeps me from agonizing because I just have to follow a simple rule. Have I played more than 5 hours of the last game I bought?

My wife told me that a few years ago and it is the mantra in our house around the holidays. Unfortunately some of us go a little overboard.

That’s... brilliant. I could see my boys getting SUPER into these shows. I’ve always been a fan of them but never thought to share them with the kids. And picking one and cheering for him/her is a great idea, too!

I’m... I’m actually finding it hard to disbelieve that thing about the farts. He has always struck me as a decent actor, but a real drag of a human being.

If no one laughs that is the very definition of “not a joke.” If I leave the flour out of my cake I can’t still claim it’s a cake.

If I were Baldwin I would just retire to a private island and never deal with humanity again beyond the chefs and butlers who tend to me. But that’s me.

(Please take this with the gentle teasing mood with which it was given.)

That is literally every actor in Hollywood. “I’m famous, therefore I’m smart.” NO. You’re famous and that is all.

“Give me attention so I can do a stupid thing to get more attention.” - Twitter

Good to know. I can stomach spending 10 bucks every year or so if it significantly improves my organization problem. I bought two of them in different sizes for myself for Christmas, so we’ll see how they do.

I don’t take issue with your opinion. I take issue with your joke being not a joke.