
Your exasperation at Bowser kidnapping Peach is... well, it’s exasperating. It’s like complaining that Halo’s enemies are, ugh, things with guns. Oh, and in Sonic you, blech, run fast. And don’t forget Mario Kart where you, splork, drive fast in tiny little cars.

I’ve always had a nose for sniffing out libruls. Especially on websites that are 99% libruls. It’s my gift.

In other news, reports are flooding in that the sky is, in fact, blue. Over to Chet with the weather.

That’s a great analogy. Never thought of it that way before.

Your camel case registered in my mind as a Java variable. Crap I’ve been on the computer too much.

Was gonna say this. Beat me to it.

I’ve never heard of a se-MEE tractor trailor.

Found the liberal.

Mary Steenburgen is excellent. Period.

Hulu is how my wife and I watch it. Our Friday nights revolve around this show.

If you got bored during the first episode it might not be for you. It does get consistently better throughout the rest of the season, though.

People need to read up on confirmation bias, reporting bias, etc.

Where’s the disconnect? They believe that using the thing will promote the idea in their kid’s head that the occult is legit. It’s no different than saying “Please don’t give my kids your homeopathic remedies. I don’t want my kid thinking they work.”

A true devil’s board.

This image + widdershins + withoudershins = joke

I’ve posted that video in comments about this topic before. I love it. I believe cops are just trying to do their job, but their job rarely coincides with your best interests once they start asking you questions.

Then kudos.

Is there any way to get it to run in the background? When I switch to a different tab the progress stops.

A flashlight is a great tool to have no matter what. Light in the eyes, palm stick for striking, solid point for a hammer strike... A flashlight is one of my EDC items I will never leave home without.