
Yeah...the crowd that stomps people to death.

Whoa, I haven't seen a defender that far from his man since...oh, hey, James Harden, what are you doing here? Wow, hey, can I have an autograph? Oh wow, this is awesome! Hey, can I buy you a beer? Yeah, I know a great place right over on the next block, they've got NBA games on all the TVs, we might even be able to

You shut your whore mouth!!

My weapon of choice to help me converse with the ladies at Michigan State my freshman year.

"I'm the boss. It is their job to please me."

Maybe he should put the whole damn team on an island and nuke them 'till they glow.

And without Patrick George, I wouldn't have known this gentleman existed. Thank you Pat!

60 years old, ladies and gentlemen. 6-0. SIXTY. Wow.

Yup, still gorgeous.

This woman should be ashamed.

Personally, I thought he would have fit better with New York and Phil Jackson's Triangular Trade Offense.

I want to buy both of you a beer. Well done.

+1 accomplice

Trying to sell an NBA team out of the blue would look bad (these things never go on the market) and make prospective investors looking warily at the books. The email itself even makes the Hawks sound like a money pit.

As a black person, I dont speak for all black people, we are not monolithic, But reading this email, I dont think its racist, its just a business man trying to figure out why his shit is fucked up. Hes speaking frankly, and probably factually on alot of his points, Hes basically saying mix this shit up, black and

This just sounds....weird....but not totally racist. It seems he is mostly blaming the racist white ATL population ("This was just racist garbage"...mentioning that the perception of danger overwhelmed reality of attending a game...racial coding..) and some curious ways to express his feelings (his "balking" and

Gawker Media: Where We Excoriate White People For Trying to Rap but Encourage Them to Write Overwrought Musings on Hip Hop

99.9% of the time, I think Texas is second only to Arizona for lunacy...but as the father of two kids, this is an exception.