You know who else loved a boys and girls club? Jeffery Dahmer.
You're quite right. IP addresses are dynamically changed for most, so an IP ban will both affect unrelated users when its recycled and be ineffective since once they have a new IP address, they can start a new Burner account right away. Perhaps it might be a better idea to ban Burner accounts from posting images or…
Let's hope so. The flip side of this article is that 60% DO have ties to recognized terrorist organizations. Maybe those ties are as nebulous as the "my sister's friend's dog groomer's uncle's friend who knows this guy who blew someone in a bathroom stall who makes $9600 a month on the Google" but it's still 400,000…
I just moved to DC. I'm in the same boat and it hurts so much. My condolences on your move to Texas.
I realize now that I didn't proof read and just tried to type too fast yesterday. Doobies great band, Dobby great friend to Harry.
It's actually quite simple, and mostly consistent: I'm not in favor of doing things the hard way unless the hard way makes the end result taste better. The chowder produced by using live clams doesn't justify the extra effort required to use them, because it doesn't taste better than chowder made using canned clams. …
Albert doesn't condense his recipes to printable form. I'm not complaining - this is HIS column. However, I was prompted to write it out for my Pepperplate recipes. You're welcome.
Yes. Yummy, yummy whale cum. I want it all in my mouth and on my chest and yes, by the way, I do swallow that delicious, scrumptious whale cum.
The fact that you think attempting to initiate sex on a normal frequency is "pestering" speaks volumes about what kind of partner you are.
You've been reading Jalopnik's front page?? Fantastic! Then surely you've seen the hundreds, nay, thousands of other articles about all sorts of fun topics that we've written. You're free to click on any of those, and not this one.
They should let everyone compete together for the same purse and distribute the money according to rank without regard to gender. Of course, all the prize money will still go to men, and the women will still cry sexism, but at least they could point out the fact that a woman could potentially win.
Donald said "I am going to take you out, O'Donnell!" O'Donnell claimed he interpreted that as a death threat.
It's only a matter of time before one of these celebrations turns ugly and someone gets Powerade in their mouth.
True story: I beat Tyson as a kid. I was playing at the neighbor's house with their two kids and we were doing the typical 10-year old thing - playing video games all night until our eyes bleed. It was about midnight (Saturday) before I worked my way up to Tyson. I had faced him before and, like most people, got curb…
Soccer! Football! The Beautiful Game! OL’ NETTY! Yes, it’s time again for 31 contending nations (plus England)…
Well good for UCLA PF #31 and his co-plaintiffs.
you and I completely agree on this Reed. I was taught at a very early age not to lead with the head, but rather to "see" what you hit. We hit hard, won a lot of games and championships... but the teams that won more were reckless. They would do what the NFL is trying to eliminate...(launching, etc.)
Perhaps the best way - or only hope, really - to get kids to tackle more safely is to penalize unsafe tackling all the way up to the high school level and maybe beyond. As it is, the rules only protect the ball carrier, not the tackler.