
Guy doing the finger guns can fuck right off.

I don't need to see your face to know you're being moody as hell right now

It's an interesting distinction - the issue with the Comet was that it was the first aircraft to put tons of stress on the fuselage to begin with. No one really imagined that it was a problem, which is why it took a while to figure out.

When asked about his loyalty to the child, the cat replied "What child? I saw a fucking dog, I acted. Nibbles is looking out for Nibbles."

Ooh, you're delightful. Throw some more unsolicited rage into the thread, why don't you. What else are you weirdly and virulently resentful of?

When questioned about his decision to send the letter, Snyder explained that it was insensitive to the Native American community for Arrington to call himself a "Redskin" when he was clearly "a Brown."

people are overly entitled to everything. They feel upset about the "rape" scene because they can't follow that she wasn't protesting the act so much as the where it was occurring. People are stupid and need everything spelled out plainly for them. They don't think for themselves and feel angered when a show is

trotted to the mound

That's a historic first pitch...or should I say PREHISTORIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's never good when the story involves you and Eric LeGrand and you come off as the spineless one.

During a press conference, police reported they have nothing to go on.

You're not charged with the responsibility to raise your wife and teach her lessons. Learn to compare, bro.

GTFO with abuse. My mom spanked me with a belt, and my siblings. That's not abuse. Beating the living fuck out of your kid is abuse. Spanking them when they need to be disciplined (even a whack with the belt on the butt) is not. You go be friends with your kid, I'll discipline mine...

Disturbing antidote? Spanking? How about calling it what it is: a very effective antidote for keeping your brat kid from skipping hebrew school?

I never said it's not a real disorder. I said it's often difficult to diagnose. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm explaining why it's often put in the "garbage can" category, and how, despite being an unfortunate term, exists for a reason.

Not to defend Pinsky too much here, but... lots of diseases get called "garbage can" diagnoses by doctors. My wife has said that internists will regularly include fibromyalgia in this category as well. That isn't to say that they aren't "real," but they are often diagnosed when there is no specific pathology present

Lane splitting at a traffic light or heavy slow traffic is great for me, the four wheeled aficionado who doesn't ride the two wheeled conveyances.

Some people like running. Maybe you should just ignore the free articles that don't interest you? Why are you letting them bother you?