
When Michael Jordan was asked to comment, he offered this:

Now we know where the graphics guy who did the Kaepernick thing landed.

I heart you Jon. Keep it up. As someone who trained for months to qualify Boston and then had to run in the snow, ice and freezing cold over the winter months to build up my stamina for the bib number is like my diploma. I made it. I made it damn it!! And then to have people steal MY number and run the

bandits don't wear bibs. cheaters wear fake bibs that they stole.

I tried Fortune the other day & I swear it tasted just like a Steel Reserve (don't pretend you haven't tried it). They just brewed a strong ice beer and tried to see if we were dumb enough to think the bitterness was desirable. I'm sure hipsters would if it was brewed in a small enough room with a paper label.

That has nothing to do with it being wrong. Can I break any rule I want and then say "Well, it's worse that people are starving, so my lie doesn't count?"

Ray. I don't know you. I don't know of you. Perhaps I should. Perhaps you are the Lance Armstrong of the running world (though I will assume you have both 'nads and will make no assumptions about dope). Maybe you are legendary. If so, I apologize for my ignorance.

It doesn't. It's juvenile spin to deflect them being deadbeats who committed fraud to enter a race they didn't qualify for. The casual dismissal of this is beyond my comprehension. If I was their employer I'd rightfully characterize these 4 are the type to casually justify unethical conduct in the workplace. I'd fire

That you clearly don't know the meaning of the word?

I assure you, I run waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to slow to take jogging seriously. It's a victimless crime, for sure, if we can even call it that. But everybody does it? Not really seeing that here. I started running dead broke, but never thought about bandit runs. I don't pirate movies either. I guess I'm a fool, letting

Bandits use resources. Gatorade, gels, vaseline, security, the road, police traffic control, sometimes they take a finisher medal. Those pictured are not carrying their own water so they are using cups, water, volunteers time, tables, coolers, rakes from the aid stations. They are reaping the benefits of what

The bandit on the far right was photographed with a unicorn medal around his neck. He didn't earn the right to race for it, and thus taking the medal at the end of the race was not just cheating, it was stealing. If he just ran, didn't take race supplies, stayed out of the way of paying runners and didn't take a

So, since no one was inconvenienced, it's not cheating?

Switzer wasn't a bandit, she was a registered runner.

"People cheated. Lots of people do it. But no one got hurt, so it's OK."

The BC X-Country archives have some rosters from previous years. If you click on the names of the runners, it pulls up photos. Might be a place to start hunting for the two "charitable" bastards:…

At worst they ran blush. Mayyyybe mascara.

I think I speak for everyone here in the comment section when I say, "Get well soon, Craig."

Young-earth creationism is a particular, and particularly oddball and ridiculous, brand of stupidity. It's not remotely the same thing as not knowing how to spell big words. Learning that a big-name athlete is a young-earth creationist (assuming Griffin wasn't being sarcastic, which is a possibility) is like

Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.