
Do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up. I'm sure that kind of shit passes in whatever backwater Ohio hellhole you live in but those of us who didn't drop out of high school find people like you repulsive.


Don't you know, it's hip to not like Guinness now. This of course after it was hip to like Guinness. The circle of life.

Zee color temperature of zee lights must be precisely 5100 degeres Kelvin. Zee table clothz must be of zee finest white linen. Zee edges must be square. Vee must play music; zis music must be hip unt cool. Zee hipness to cool ratio must be between 1.7:1. Also, zee Tvitter is imperative. Vee must recieve at least 32

Griffey's eyes are the cold, dead eyes of a man who is on his 14th commenting system of the decade.

Green smiled. "Oh, meet Vanessa," he said. "My sister."

You've got myself and Chvrches inverted in your comment. I figured I'd let you know sooner rather than later so you'd have time to correct it before Kinja locks you out.

Not surprised to see Chvrches for Louisiana.

The student may be right. Based on the write-up of the insult, the teacher's clearly not a fan of capitalism.

This was taken at the Belmont at 2011. Costas was on the platform to give his 45 seconds on the mic before the race, and everyone at the starting gate was pretty drunk and yelling at him. Costas came over to greet the crowd, and a dude chucked this full Coors Light to him.

My girlfriend used the same trick to sneak into my house permanently.

Well, if that is your reasoning then you have found your car. Enjoy your new hyundai.

"Yeah, you always have to cut a cheque that's ten times bigger when they start making noise."

Terrible. Hilarious. Hillarible.

My view is no one, players included, likes the new rules. The players were fine and would be fine playing football more or less the way it was always played. What they really want, and what the league is fighting tooth and nail not to give them, is a substantial increase in post-career benefits, primarily when it

Kurt Cobain, good weather, Robinson Cano's career.

(opens envelope)

"Things that go to Seattle to die."

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

I met Paul a couple years back here in Toronto. I was a freshly minted 20 year old wannabe know it all still obsessed with the F&F films. He was here for TIFF, and had stopped in a Starbucks, real incognito style, and ordered a drink. When I spotted him, my first thought was to not say anything at all, and sneak a

A very important thing to remember is that many people always exhale when stepping on their left making it a pattern with an even number of steps. 2:2 3:3... If you exhale and step on the right at the same time you'll put an extra strain on the fibers that hold the liver that with time during your run it will cause