Yesterday's Jam

If you needed to boil down Jesus's teachings into one sentence, it would be "be a nice person to everyone else." Or, as my husband explains it, "being Catholic means you shouldn't be a dick." Which is a super easy message to get behind, I think. And since gay people are people, we should also be nice to them.

I don't understand all the questions about how to take this... it's her life. It's OK for it to be morally ambiguous. I interpret it as a child taking an empowering action against an abusive and inappropriate adult but you, reader, can interpret it however you like.

*static crackle*

People, the tag on this article is goddamn "First Person." It's a personal reflection. Click on her damn blog. Not everything has to be a well-researched, cited, serious journalistic "article." Jesus.

They should really just preemptively shut down comments on this article.

Or we could just not celebrate Thanksgiving in November (like Canadians), or the rest of the world (not at all).



I run 4x a week. Still fat. I have a resting heart rate in the high 50s and my blood pressure and cholesteral are awesome. I have thyroid disease and even with daily medication it is nearly impossible (not IMPOSSIBLE but would require 800 calories a day) to lose anything. I'm so tired of people equating thiness with

But for a person whose idea of celebrating her own confidence includes writing What's your excuse? over a picture of her near-naked body possibly can't understand the idea of pride divorced from coercion.

What this lady did sucks, but I'm kinda annoyed that she got banned faster than the Roastbusters did.

Wait what? Which borough is "the west coast" in? Staten Island or the Bronx?

Which is funny, because to everyone else your responses are incredibly typical. And boring. Troll harder.

And yet... she still wouldn't fuck you. Go figure.

Ah yes, look at how obese I am:

People die every day from gun violence and idiotic accidents. If we wait to talk about it until the day no one dies, we'll be waiting until the end of time.

Fuck any American or Canadian trying to make an "Only in Yemen!" argument.

You should submit this to Real Simple magazine for their #simpletips. I bet they'd love it!

This piece is dismissing a major reason lyric videos are trying to be interesting and grab attention- they count towards the Billboard Hot 100 now. This is also why artists are putting out increasingly controversial music videos.