Yesterday's Jam

I'm guessing she's meant to be putting her shoes back on after just having performed the 'footsie roll'?

I enjoyed how after your first post was posted as an "I don't now question" about overweight people has now become this—a post about how you know why people are overweight.

Yes, clearly I'd lose a ton of weight if only I was more polite. That's the missing thing in between my cardio and my diet. Thanks so much. You're a gem.

I'm 15 lbs overweight because I do all of the things I do to try to stay in shape. If I didn't do those things, I'd be 100 lbs overweight.

As a very fat person, when trying to get some exercise, I have been made fun of for being fat, eyed for even being at the gym and had a (male) roommate, upon opening the door to our apt and seeing me exercising to a video, exclaim "I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE THAT!".

This comment is stupid and you do sound like a troll. Your entire post is one big: "Its all you fault for being fat! Because your lazy and eat too much!" You need to educate yourself about the reasons people can be overweight. You are concern trolling.

Another New Zealander also agreeing with this - especially with our current government, many of whom are rich white men who are dismissive of people who aren't like them. The Prime Minister is as floppy as a wet fish though so if this gets enough negative attention in NZ, I'd be surprised if he didn't intervene - I

Maybe they should try eliminating second breakfast first:

Bariatric surgery, liposuction, intensive endocrine monitoring (e.g. free T3/T4 beyond TSH and sex hormones) and treatment as applicable, psychiatric/psychological eating disorder interventions for binge eating, phentermine and other appetite suppressants, ensuring healthy food access, exercise/fitness programs, and

As a New Zealander I think that's a very plausible theory, we're super racist against our Pacific neighbours. Ironic, given our national history, but there you go.

Soooooooo, New Zealand has solved ALL OTHER HEALTH PROBLEMS besides obesity? WTG, NZ! No drug issues? No alcoholism? THAT'S AWESOME. Nobody gets the flu? Or a cold? Is anyone allergic to anything? All the doctors are unemployed? UTOPIA, HERE WE COME!

Friendly PSA (expecting onslaught of terror) to leave the fat-shamers who are unwilling to have a productive discussion in the greys!

Well, I don't take it as a compliment as a black person because she's only doing it for attention. If she was raised around black people, I could understand. Look at Eminem. No one accuses him of being a wannabe. But Miley is. A few years ago she didn't even know a single Jay-Z song. She couldn't care less about black

That was truly touching. I don't know what else there is to say

The weird thing about this is that the Daily Mail are all over it, but they also hunted him down back when she first outed himself - they didn't name him but they said who he was and got comment from him. He definitely seemed to have known/believed she was a sex worker then...

The last job I quit was pre-career. I just stopped going. It was glorious. When they finally got ahold of me and asked me why I'd stopped going (i was a server) I was honest: they were a bunch of dicks and I hated them. It was so wonderful. My golden opportunity and I took it.

How about you pay me what you would pay someone who you would hire for my job right now. Companies incentivize employees to have no loyalty. If you leave and come back you will make more $. Why would I stay?

Suzanne FTW!!!

That's way harsh, Tai.

This reminds me of a conversation I had in college about how girls were expected to be two out of three—cute, sexy, or pretty. You could be cute and pretty (girl-next-door-ish) or pretty and sexy (supermodel) or cute and sexy (as in the sexualization outlined above). Hitting all three meant you were some kind of