Yesterday's Jam

You write as though I’ve written off the show as anti-feminist (I didn’t say this) or as racist (I didn’t say that either), as opposed to simply denoting the way story choices echo longstanding criticisms of the show. It is disingenuous to dismiss identity-based criticism as a claim that art loses any and all value

And so my best advice to you is to not see commentary on this topic as an attack on whiteness, because that is a fundamental misunderstanding of why we discuss issues of representation.

Well said. The choice to default to the most conventional hero is frankly incredibly boring and probably the most disappointing part of this final season. You shouldn’t have left out the word, because Jon is boring, and the incredibly deep cast full of interesting characters makes it all the more egregious.

As always, I am hesitant to reply to comments with the knowledge that the Kinja system elevates Staff contributions and thus the comments themselves, but I want to address this since I’ve seen it pop up a couple of times in my notifications.

Honestly maybe even worst served than Dany’s arc was Jaime’s.

What in the seven hells was Jaime’s plan? Did he seriously want to run back to Cersei, even when it was clear she hired a hitman to kill him? The framing of their death being tragic was really weird.

Well, Dr. Luke is getting what he wanted: to further destroy Kesha’s image and credibility. People are leaving horrible comments on Kesha’s instagram (with a lot of snake emojis). I understand it’s a delicate topic and it wasn’t her place to make another potential victim come forward, but she didn’t want these

I love cats. But I’ve seen examples in the Caribbean of how the removal of invasive species (cats, goats, dogs, pigs, rats) can rapidly and almost miraculously revitalise an island’s biodiversity, especially for egg-laying species (birds, reptiles). New Zealand has a relatively high number of species of flightless

New Zealand is a unique environment in that it has no native land mammals; it was historically dominated by birds, around half of which have been driven to extinction by all the introduced mammals from human habitation.

OK, I get it. You think cats are cute. But do you know what else is cute? These guys. And there aren’t 600 million of them in the world.

Pro-tips from a woman in a technical role (IT):

I basically had the same thing happen. I worked in a newsroom, and my schedule included a Sunday shift that was often a little slow. I noticed during one of my lunch breaks that the fridge was nasty. It was a brutally boring day, so I took 20 minutes and cleaned it out. A few weeks later it was nasty again. No

In response to the flood of burners and, let’s face it, men moaning about how this advice is either: 1. sexist or 2. pointless because everyone recognizes these volunteer tasks and gives credit for it, allow me to present a small sample of the ways that I, a professional woman, have been asked to volunteer to do

(Woman in Engineering) I agree with your professor! Here’s why:

Oh, the men is the comments are entertaining. They are so ANGRY at the suggestion that there is sexism in the workplace!

Advising women how to navigate our sexist work culture is not being a “bigot.” Because let me guess--you believe sexism doesn’t exist?

I “love” all the burners, most (if not all) of whom are (self-identified!) men, commenting on this. As a woman affected by this, let me give you guys some perspective:

(Woman in engineering) For better or worse, one of my mentors in college strongly impressed on us (female engineering students) that we should never EVER volunteer to do admin/office management tasks once we started working as it would blur the lines on our actual job duties and reinforce the idea that women do office

If Offred isn’t a willing participant to the sex, it’s rape.

...I’m picturing this now. The baby will have a smudge of orange marmalade on its forehead.

Alyssa straight up MADE this episode. She choreographed them really well, gave great critiques. Compare that to ‘throw your legs in the air fucking hard’ Todrick Hall. I honestly want to go to her dance studio