
I have wanted a Sherman statue in Atlanta since I moved there in the mid-90s from the midwest and was greeted with “The South will rise again, you Yankee!!” from at least half of the white boys in my 3rd grade class.

A million times, this ^^. There should be a “sherman” day where we celebrate all the great shermans, like Sherman Hemsley, the Tank, and especially William Tecumseh Sherman. Every damn bit of what used (and still is!) the confederacy needs a giant statue of sherman burning down everything in sight.

They’re here already.

It’s a “hot take for the sake of a hot take.” I was baited in, thinking that there would be one actual negative fact about Instant Pots. Instead, I was treated to the standard “we should dislike what other people like too much” bullshit, with a dollop of “don’t make things at home, buy them from large corporations”

This was a good watch, thanks for posting.

That’s actually a fairly well done video.  I had not seen it before and thought it was thoughtful.

lol, I was totally going to link this!

Forms in the UK offer certain ethnicities written ready for you that you can tick, such as Indian British, Chinese British, Bangladeshi British... because these are major ethnic groups in the UK.

You have done a great disservice to Heath Ledger/Patrick Verona here, and I will not stand for it!

Between Mary Jo’s fastball and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that’s going to be a lot of retired priests.  

I prefer the Japanese term “Christmas Cake:” they may still be fresh and look great, but no one want them after the 25th.

Agreed, this article is full of hate. It could have been written in a way that could have brought more power to this issue.

The fact that Jezebel hasn’t sent even one reporter — or, “reporter,” I guess I should say now — shows how truly hypocritical and lazy they actually are. I mean, Kelly went to the royal wedding, yet none of them can be bothered to go support the children trapped in concentration camps.

I mean, really. So easy to criticize. So hard to do anything but keyboard activism.

The RTÉ exit poll has just been announced and it’s almost the same: 69.4% Yes with a 1.6% margin of error. I think we might have actually done this!! My feet are killing me from canvassing, my ears are ringing from the stuff that was shouted at me, my eyes are tired from crying, but I hope to sleep very well tomorrow

There is a thread on reddit just now from a woman who is currently pregnant with a baby who has anencephaly, and because she is in Texas, her insurance won’t cover a termination. It’s heartbreaking.

It’s been mentioned elsewhere, but they maintain a barrier between the advertising and editorial sections of the website. As Jezebel is part of a larger consortium of websites owned by Univision, I doubt they have control over that at all. Yes, it sucks to see those adds, as well as others on the different Giz network

If no one pays homage to St. Agatha and either has bloody boobs or carries around a boob purse I will be pissed. If people wear florals I will be pissed.

Hugfart is a delightful new troll around here, who creates new burners with the same username daily. And somehow, they keep being brought out of the grays. Kinja is awesome :)