
Oh fuck off, with this bullshit. If this is meant to be satire, it is piss poor. We do not need to advocate for supporters and overseers of inhumane torture.

Now playing

This is probably closer to what they’re joking about, but damn if anyone under the age of like 50 will get it.

no, according to others online (here and elsewhere, but I can’t verify with the book itself) that line comes from the sequel (which did not exist when the screenplay was written).

Her race isn’t established until the second book though, and by all accounts the director was working exclusively from the first book.

I noticed how you didn’t provide a citation, then I noticed how you were just wrong. Look at “Fig 1. Mean predicted probability of reporting that abortion was the right decision over three years after an abortion”. That is definitely above 95%.

Oh for fucks sake go back to moldy cave you came from 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️

Now playing

Dakota Johnson’s video (featuring Don) is great.

You’re not the first person to say this (some of whom I know personally and speak of that time in very painful terms - and ALL of them quit between season 1 and season 3).

I thought the same thing when I saw the story: it’s too cold for the ice?!?!

Still no mention of Dalek bumps


You get dysentery.

Cant believe prince harry is marrying an eighty year old british detective lady … ohhh miss Markle, never mind.

Before this album came out, I thought all the jokes and conspiracy theories about Taylor being gay were silly. Now I’m seriously convinced that she is. Listen to Dress and Dancing with our hands tied and tell me that it isn’t about a woman. Come out Taylor!

Might want to quote the whole line instead.

The DS9 costume in that picture has 4 layers. I’m amazed the header photo isn’t Avery Brooks dead from heat exhaustion.

Yah, like when he voted to confirm Jeffery “Civil Forfeiture and Bring Back the War on Drugs” Sessions for AG? Vin, he’s still trolling you.

I don’t know why, after all think of big stars like Issur Danielovitch, Winona Laura Horowitz, or Jo Raquel Tejada.

There’s this, from the ‘Evangelical Camp’ series ... priceless!