Bless their hearts.
Bless their hearts.
See also, Trump D.J.
It’s actually pretty funny in that the Government of Quebec still refuse to acknowledge it on their maps.
That, and a lot of passive-aggressive bitching. British Columbia still have not recovered from that time the English made them hand over quite a lot of prime real estate to Alaska in 1903.
Well, it’s better than the old way we Canadians used to reinforce Arctic sovereignty, i.e. we forcibly relocate a bunch of Inuits to a barren rock at the literal end of the Earth—and then watch them die of malnutrition and lack of social an healthcare services.
How does putting canned tuna up your who-ha help?
To be fair, even before the invention of antibiotics, the chances of a person living to 70 is fairly good (if you can make it safely to age 5). The historical lexpectancyce is artificially deflated because of the high infant mortality back then.
Shower sex is best sex?
Apparently, douching with yogurt was a common treatment for yeast infections and vaginosis.
It may just be that if you have a long term partner, you become immune to his strain of bacteria, whereas people who meet new partners are more likely to catch a strain that their body is unprepared for.
You know what they say about Quakers and rolled oats.
Huh, I didn’t know Susan B. Anthony’s Jewish.
I donno, maybe Trump is a really big fan of that song from the third Hunger Games movie?
I’m kinda more worried that this woman has a heart rate of 111, a respiration rate of 40 breaths/minute and an oxygen saturation (SpO2) of 92%.
Now aren’t ya sorry for abandoning the Canadian Arctic DEW Line in the 80s?
A propos of nothing, there literally is a section in my old nursing textbook about sex-positions for pregnant people—and it has diagrams.
To be fair, it is a lot easier to grasp a pencil with your hand.
Like so:
I too would eat out Taylor Swift if it means I can get a song out of it.