The Quakers too, don’t forget about the Quakers.
The Quakers too, don’t forget about the Quakers.
DAE Margaret Sanger is a racist?
I kinda want them to push the envelope further and make it a mixed-race family.
I think the money just gets recycled back into the investment that funds the prizes.
I kinda miss Mitt Romney now, say what you must about his politics, but dude has excellent comedic timing.
It’s more cringe comedy with musical numbers than anything.
gong hay fat choy!
Rae is bae.
The purview of the show is a bit too narrow to be sustainable, no?
We should make t-shirts and it’ll make so much money.
Jimmy Carter wants a word.
Well, the Cylons were more ethnically diverse.
Available at all reputable cock-merchants in Meereen.
What if we kick Nevada out of the Union and turn it into a free state for Trump and his deplorables to rule over?
On va enculer ce mec avec une tronçonneuse rouillé?
Under heaven, an empire long united, must divide; an empire long divided, must unite.
But Harrison Bergeron is much better at ballet tho.
I am certainly enjoying Trump (peace be upon him) burning down the entire GOP establishment in alphabetical order.
“[No person]…shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself…”