
truth serum

I believe you may have confused high-security forensic psychiatric wards with the Waldorf-Astoria.

And didn’t Edith Wilson (wife of Woodrow) basically ran the ship of state after Woodrow had a stroke and was confined to bed for the rest of his term?

Rich motherfuckers and all that.

Words, I see you have a way with them.

Don’t you just love it when the rich Ritchie Ritchersons play-act at being of median income?

Well, I generally try to refrain from expletives whenever possible.

This certainly has been the October Suprise that keeps on giving.

Well, the first year pregnancy rate for “typical users” for Combined Pills is 9% (and 11% for progesterone only pills). Not great odds in the best of times.

For background information to other readers, the only antibiotic that has been proven to cause Combined Oral Contraceptive failure is Rifampin, which is a hardcore antibiotic used to treat Tuberculosis, Bacterial Meningitis, and Leprosy.

I mean, they did give one to Henry Kissinger for the audacious and earth-shattering discovery of “peace happens when you stop killing people.”

To be fair, the Nobel does have a long history of redefining what is and is not awardable—starting in 1918 when they gave Max Planck a Physics Prize for purely theoretical discoveries (before, the Physics prizes tend to be given to purely practical inventions like the X-ray or a very durable automatic light switch).

Does anyone actually think bigamy is such a widespread problem?

It is known.

Quod licet Jovi non licet bovi, I guess.