
I was old enough to know better, but I guess I was still young enough to still do something stupid.

I mean, if it takes them less than three days of full-time work to do the weekly load of laundry, then they are doing the Victoriana thing wrong.

They are saving it for series two, I’m guessing.

That’s why when I sold coffee, I perfer to greet my patrons with a hearty:

But does the coat billow dramatically behind you when you walk like they do for badass motherfuckers in the movies?

Every year, I look forward to the start of long coat season, and every year, I forget that I am too short to actually carry the style.

Does Dame Helen Mirren have to smack a bitch?

Also in that diary entry, the first written attestation of the appearance of Macaroni and Cheese on an American dinner table.

But Andrew Jackson just wants to have a beer with you!

I ain’t even mad.

TASS is authorized to declare...

But will the Party of Ronald Reagan continue to suck Putin’s cock?

As they say, Black people is the bedtime horror story Asian parents tell their kids to make them study harder.

New York Archdiocese Will Compensate Sex Abuse Victims if They Relinquish Their Right to Sue

Ms Myles is a nice Welsh lady from Ystradgynlais, Powys (and where else can you find that mouthful of a name?)

Not cool dude, we don’t call the Welsh that anymore!

No, Emily Blunt is slowly morphing into English Eve Myles.

“I’m Walter Blunt, and this is Blunt Talk.”

My Grandmother did everything right, didn’t smoke, didn’t drink, was semi-vegetarian. Dropped dead at 65 with what would eventually be classified as BRCA1+ ovarian cancer.