

WANTED: Female Crisis Actor with large ass. Relevant work experience preferred but not necessary. Compensation negotiable.

“I can see Santa Fe from my house!”


The Vulcans have a proverb, “Speak of the Taylor and she will come.”


Rich, Luxurious, Corinthian Leather.

Ms. Lohan wants to clarify that her finger was lost in a freak accident, and definately not because she didn’t pay her debts on time and thereby offended a high ranking member of the Japanese Yakuza, who decided to take a finger as payment.

That, and not to mention that time she nailed Saint Bernard of Clairevaux in the eye with a stream of breastmilk from clean across a room.

Well, the Madonna has been known to pop a boob once in a while.

That header picture is seriously confusing me. I didn’t know the Blessed Virgin had such a fine set of tushies.

Most upper-class hotels have strongboxes for rent (either in the room or in a central security area). The only time jewelry is going to by lying out in the open is probably when the guest is in the room.

If you want to nitpick, I guess you can say that’s she’s smirking in the wrong direction. Natalie smirks on the right side of her face.

My family’s from the impenetrable countrysides of China (to this day my Father still cannot point out exactly where he’s from on a map, it’s so remote). So I’ve shat in a lot of open air latrines, it’s a lot of two meter deep pits where you are squatting on two planks of not all that steady wood (another choice is

Ya know, I have cleaned shit off of walls of public bathrooms, and I have always wondered how you would work up so much intestinal pressure for it to rebound half a meter off of the bottom of the bowl and hit the wall.

Personally, I’ve never really understood America’s fetish for staffing technical jobs by popular election: Sheriffs, Judges, Notaries, Medical Examiners, State Engineers...

To be fair, Chalcedonian Christology is mostly incomprehensible even in the best of times.

1850s upstate New York was a really weird place.

It would be cool if they restart the Oneida Community, it’s got Free Love, post-menopausal women teaching sexual techniques to adolescent boys, women wearing pants, and mighty fine and affordable silver-ware (seriously--half of the cutlery in Walmart from Oneida Limited, the only bit of the community that still exists