
I think we can make a great HBO show about lesbian nurses.

Instead of debates, We should just make her and Trump write bluebook essay exams using the debate question as topics.

Isn’t the hypoxic cesspool Colorado Springs?

True, except the sad thing is that pretty much all herbal medications and supplements are also made by multi-national conglomerates or are subsidiaries of the Traditional Big Pharma like J&J and Pfizer. Borion, the maker of most of the world’s homeopathic medicine, is a multi-million company.

all the water ends up in the same sewer, doesn’t it?

The best advertising dollars Under Armor ever spent:

I’m pretty sure the Scots invented Crossfit?

Can’t be that intelligent.

Go, Diego, Go!

What did those sharks do to deserve this ill-treatment?

Hey, at least they got real books, not those cardboard boxes with pictures of bookspines printed on them like they have at Ikea.

Do you think the clean the carpeting or do they just wait until it gets gungy and just replace the whole set?

Bask in the fact that you have excellent taste?

Not gotta lie, I actually learned to make Osso Buco because I saw it on Hannibal and I thought it looked good.

“It’s nice to have an old friend for dinner.”

Ya. it’s the Mission Armory in San Francisco.

Can I interest you in pornos shot in Moorish Revival-style castles?

That poor dog’s shoulders.

Bless her heart.