
So is there a rule about mandatory retirement for a SCOTUS Justice if she’s immortal?

All I can focus on is the fact that Sotomayor does not have a reflection in the mirror.

I think this game is mostly suffering from a very heavy dose of the “Middle Installment Syndrome.”

“My safeword is ‘Apples’.”

Lorde was and is Elizabeth Browning.

Maybe the rental mom will guilt-trip you to call your real mom more?

They already played out that angle on Boardwalk Empire.

Didn’t she trash his on-screen boyfriend’s car with a golf club in the Blank Space video?

So you are saying that TayTay is bigger than Jesus?

Welkom op Nieuw-Amsterdam

I don’t think Iceland has any coal.

Iceland’s population is so small that they run a geneological database, mostly used to prevent accidental incest.

You’d be very hard pressed to find too many Catholics who are actually fans of Medieval Catholicism.

Furthermore, it is Catholic Dogma that you can’t sell your soul to Satan because a) it denies God’s omnipotence and b) your soul is literally not yours to sell.

The book was commonly known as the Buggre Alle This Bible. The lengthy compositor’s error, if such it may be called, occurs in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 48, verse five:

Ruggedly handsome.

Except, have you seen how unnatural a modern chicken is?

They are allegorical scenes depicting progress.

And in 1896, although the bills got banned in Boston because of boob.

And didn’t Mary Shelly and Percy Bysshe Shelley do the horizontal tango over Wollstonecraft’s grave?