
Only if you are a publically-funded school, I guess.

Swift has 7 billion view on youtube, that’s on average one view for entire population of the Earth.

Hasn’t it always been the case?

You go girl, make all dem monies.

Butter crust shell with sweet lotus seed paste and a salted duck egg yoke in the middle.

This is despicable slander of the most odious kind, Sir/Madam. We demand satisfaction.

Isn’t Bristol Palin something like one-sixteenth Yup’ik?

Don’t forget the Mid-Autumn Festival!

Columbus sailed the ocean blue

So how did they get around the Pat Robertson’s clause about not being allowed to take the word “family” off the station name?

Commandment 10:

What about a robot that looks like Jude Law?

But mah Religious Freedomz?

That’s probably miraculous enough to canonize a saint.

Stuff happens... and it’s untidy, and freedom’s untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things.”

“This one has forgotten if its heat sink is over capacity. It wonders whether the criminal scum considers itself fortunate.”

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Can we send Limbaugh to Mars to double check?

Filial Piety is huge in Confucian thinking, like, “it is commendable to kill your son so that your parent’s may live”-huge. A tale from the classic The Twenty-Four Filial Exemplars is titled “He Buried his Son for his Mother.” (为母埋儿). Although you’d be happy to know that, like the story of the Binding of Isaac, the

Or, if you are in China—pretty much everyone who do not want to commute in from Inner Mongolia every day for work..