
No idea. But Neo-Confucianism is getting pretty big in China these days, maybe the question is to check if the test-takes have been paying attention in philosophy class.

Nope, Filial piety always comes first.

Confucius say: Only you can prevent forest fires.

And this all happened in...this century?

a man in a blue blazer from the John Birch Society hovered by a well-stocked literature table

She converted to a spectacularly conservative strain of Oneness Pentacostalism 4 years ago, and those people have a tendency to regard all other Christians as defective.

The Calvinists call it “Cage Stage”, because a cage is where new converts need to be put to safeguard the sanity of those around them.

If you want to come to Canada, you must swear fealty (in the name of the Old Gods and the New) to the King of Winter, Lord of Winterfell, and King in the North, and his heirs.

No, spring is the worst.

The moose can get unruly during mating season.

I tried to come up with a snarky comment, but...

This woman must really enjoy prison food.

I’m pretty sure he was talking about the 99 cents double cheeseburger—back when the McD dollar menu still cost a dollar.

Would we rather he spent the $1500 and enrolled himself into NYU course on Food Security instead? Would that fall above the hipster cutoff? Or would we stop bitching if he gets a show on the Travel Network?

I think we have lived in cities for far too long if we think that reading a book is sufficient as far as learning is concerned.

God forbid someone takes the time to understand the world around them.

Only when your flight gets delayed.

Have you seen Clouds of Sils Maria? It was a revelation.

Oh that brings back memories.