With the difference in that in Catholicism partaking of the Eucharist while in a state of mortal sin is itself a sin.
With the difference in that in Catholicism partaking of the Eucharist while in a state of mortal sin is itself a sin.
I guess because because by canon law, those boys just got themselves excommunicated. Or maybe the nuns expected you guys to pull a St. John Maximovitch and swallow the hosts they spat out.
On the other end, Orthodox uses leavened bread as the rising of the loaf represents the Resurrection of Christ.
He should have used it as an oppertunity to teach about the Burning Bush. Nec tamen consumebatur, bitches!
Yep, disrespecting the Eucharist in a Catholic Church will result in bodily damage (at the minumum). And technically I’m pretty sure you are not allowed to partake of the bread if you are not a Catholic in good standing (I used to volunteer in a Catholic hospital and had to instruct a lot of Protestant volunteers on…
I must say, the Catholics may have gotten something right with keeping those wafers so bland to prevent this sort of thing.
I have no memory of this, but apparently I once ran up to the altar and made off with the communion bread when I was really young.
They must serve some pizza-sized crackers at the Vatican.
You are more likely to get some lovely ethinic food on Jarvis St.
I think you mean Doug Barry.
Dude, tell that to the dry counties.
1. You are legally entitled to the best possible medical care, not beer.
If this woman is being a asshole, I’m afraid of what you consider normal.
For the sake of my sanity, I will assume that the marketers have spectacularly misrepresented the actual film. They originally sold Charlie Wilson’s War as a comedy as well, and that film turned out pretty well.
Repeat after me:
Anyone tried ASMR? That stuff is legit, it can put me to sleep in the middle of a coffee high.
Lana is ready to ride eternal through the gates of Valhalla, shiny and chrome.