
O, those incestuous, murderous, damned Danes!

Meanwhile, in Hong Kong...

Soo... that song was about fingerbanging, yes?

Random thought, this is the first song that actually implies that Taylor does do the horizontal tango.

Chris Columbus did have to deal with the disaster that is Macaulay Culkin and his parents for Home Alone. I guess that taught him a lesson about working with children and animals.

Either that, or they just got a young John Cleese very drunk.

U Guise, Duggar was just imitating Jesus, who hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes (and twelve well muscled young men) all the time.

Well, life does have a funny way of helping you out on that front.

And how the heck do you genetically select for whiteness with modern technology in the first place?

Yes, but has this been an endemic and widespread problem in Ohio?

It was the Derek Jacobi one on BBC TV, Patrick Stewart (with a wig) was Serjanus.

Orange Osage County?

With a magnificent bosom.

Good, keep it that way.

Ah, the definition of “Small Name, Big Ego.”

Our Maisie is all grown up, [sniff], it feels like it was just yesterday when she was stabbing her first ruffian in the gut...

What says you, Andy Dufresne?

I’m guessing Boston College?
