What did John Green ever do to deserve this?
What did John Green ever do to deserve this?
Ooh, look at Chucky there, spoutin’ off all that science.
Obviously, only straight conductors can drive a train down a straight track. It’s just common sense.
Thomas J. Whitmore as played by Bill Pullman in the documentary Independence Day.
Our one true President, Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made. Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and…
Emma Watson > Everything
Haven’t these women suffered enough?
Hey, I’m just trying to guess what OP was talking about.
I’m guessing because of the CIA-apologia in Zero Dark Thirty?
which will enable them to contextualize Israel’s role, not just in prophetic teachings but also as an island of Judeo-Christian values and democracy standing in a sea of extremism and radicalism.
It’s a long way down to Georgia and Ole Scratch needs his rest.
Apparently, it’s q now, not Q.
It will be like The Order: 1886, except actually good (or passable, at least).
Having to mop towards Mecca will certainly be a bit of a pain.
Episcopal Church of Scotland
Of course not, she basically gave New Labour that money so that they can increase her (already considerable) tax payments.
JK Rowling has given 1 million Pounds to New Labour.
I thought JKR’s Episcopalian?