The Toronto Star is basically the last newspaper in North America that does full scale muckraking (and I use that term as a compliment). Although sometimes it means they cross the line and tip over into yellow journalism (looking at you, Rosie DiManno).
These designers do realize that in Asia, white is the color you wear to funerals, right?
YES! this is the correct way to pay homage to Chinese culture.
Taylor vs. the screaming goats.
Nahh, Tay was just getting back at Ed because he didn’t invite her to the strip club party.
...will choose which environment they feel more comfortable in.
Surely logging onto Pornhub is easier and does not carry the high risk of social ostracization?
If you can take courses and receive perfectly adequate instruction at big urban schools like CUNY or UCLA, why do we still need tiny liberal art colleges in the middle of nowhere? Lets just do away with all of them and enroll everyone in state colleges (and defund the football program while we are at it).
Bless your little button nose.
Or, ya know, the men can just enroll at UMass-Amherst and sign up to take courses at Smith College. As they have always done for years now.
I’m really awfully glad I’m a Beta, because I don’t work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas.
Dr. Fiona C. Ingleby: I am an evolutionary biologist interested in the genetics of complex traits and sexual conflict.
The survey is nationally representative of the adult male population age 18 and older and comports with US Census data for that population.
I think the technical term is “yonic”.
Well, we are the people who use the most lethal neurotoxin known to man to treat forehead wrinkles.