
The Story of Mulan was fictional to begin with (it started as a Tang Dynasty folk song). So...

You should care about people who are purple, because it means they are about to die of hypoxia.

Hush, we'll not have this thinking business round these here parts.

But a platinum album is still below a diamond album tho.

Calling ahead to warn potentially violent gunmen that the police are coming kinda defeats the propose of a SWAT raid, no?

Do you remember the good old days when we swore to anyone who would listen that video games do not cause school shootings and such?

I swear I read this comment on Reddit yesterday.

What's that? Oh, you're an idiot.

Bro, get a life.

Good job Lou.

Now that Karlie is going to uni, Taylor needs a sidepiece to keep the bed warm until she gets back.

They have to keep mailing Nemal back and postage on live animals is expensive.

Junior Chicken is where the shit is at, brah.

Breillat would have kept the tampon scene, and made tea with it.

Apparently it was because EL didn't sell the movie rights until she already made a bazillion dollars off the books, so was able to drive a pretty tough deal (JK Rowling and Stephenie Meyers got the same package as EL James, except James was the first author to actually exercise her full rights). Most rank and file

And surprise, surprise, EL now wants to write the whole screenplay for the sequel.

Catherine Breillat.

I heard that most of the dialogue written by the original screenwriters got thrown out at the insistence of EL James, and replaced with dialogue from the book.