They can always stick in a literacy test requirement.
They can always stick in a literacy test requirement.
you idiot.
That and the police can't be assed to do their jobs and so goes after the easy target.
In the US, In 2013, 17% of RNs and 9.8% of LPNs/LVNs were union members. In Canada, 79% of RNs are unionized.
So because some of men have the required physical strength to restrain a patient, they decided to pay all of the men more? Or do the male nurses who can't bench press their body mass at the weigh-in get downgraded to the lady-pay?
Parts per Million, Molarity (moles/L), and mg/kg are all measurements of concentration. Values in one unit can be easily converted into another unit and so you can use any of these units when speaking about toxicology. Generally mg/kg is used because it is the easiest to conceptualize for the layman. Many scientific…
mg/kg is a commonly used unit in pharmaco-toxicology to compare the concentration of chemicals in foods. It means in 1 kilogram of apples, there are 22 milligrams of formaldehyde; and in 1 kilogram of beer, there is 4 milligrams of formaldehyde.
Don't worry, fresh apples contain more formaldehyde than beer (apple 22 mg/kg, beer 4 mg/kg).
Top-paid actors have incredibly cushy jobs. For the 99% of actors, it's probably easier and less soul crushing to go work in pretty much any other white collar job.
The patient is never conscious to begin with. ECT knocks you out immediately, and all that flailing you see is caused by the seizure that is induced by the electricity (the patient do not feel anything). Today people undergoing ECT is given a muscle relaxant to completely prevent movement (to stop the patient from…
Most people only know of psychology and psychiatry as practiced on television. And therein lies the problem.
Remember, it's not porn, it's...
I hear it's not good for your health to mention Road to Avonlea within Sarah Polley's earshot.
Giving people untested and uneffective medication to treat psychosis?