Next you are going to tell me that Tron didn't deserve an Oscar because CGI is cheating, right?
Next you are going to tell me that Tron didn't deserve an Oscar because CGI is cheating, right?
For example, digitally adding pubic hair on Dakota Johnson.
So to be clear, the Chinese didn't actually fight like that back then with that tortoise thing, did they?
Well, the depression did end up killing the man, did it not?
Depression is a chronic illness.
go fuck yourself
The European Union Times is, shall we say, not a credible publication.
The perfect ironic hell for conspiracy nuts would be a world in which everything they believed in is true.
Anti-abortionists would certainly recognize a bombing when they see one.
Thanks, 'Bama.
What is this sorcery?
Luce Irigaray would like to remind you that E=mc^2 is a sexist equation and true feminists should only study fluid mechanics.
BMI values overshoots if you are over 6 ft. If you are over 6 feet, Oxford University suggested that it should be: "your BMI - 1."
When the carrot is not working, they resort to the stick, I guess.
There is no pleasing the trolls.
These people fully deserve what's coming to them.
In further news, the BCG (tuberculosis) vaccine is currently one of the most used and effective treatments for bladder cancer.