The problem is that unless you are in Manitoba or the North, most Canadians can go through their entire lives without meeting a single Aboriginal person (that they are aware of). It's difficult to care about people you've never met.
Adulto is Ed Sheeran, Karlie is way too self-composed.
I believe there's only two cases of survival at 21-weeks in history.
24-weeks is the current limit of fetal viability (a 50-50 chance of survival).
If you sink two dozen doctors and a few million dollars into a 20-week-old premature baby, it has a slim chance of living.
"When will the white community leaders stand up and condemn this epidemic of serial killers?"
Limbaugh tips, but you are free to donate that $2000 to the political cause of you choice.
Apparently, Limbaugh is a really good tipper.
I guess the Cult of Swift start the indoctrination process early.
Is Ellen Page the "average" woman? Everyone starts to look like Ellen Page after a while.
Your bunny looks like Rorschach from Watchmen, will he kill me in my sleep if I say no?
You get the Hep B vaccine at birth because Hep B in newborns can cripple them for life and one of the most likely places you can get a bloodborne disease like Hep B is in the hospital. Yes, sometimes woman honest do not know that they are Hep B positive, especially if they get infected later during pregnancy (on one…
That is untrue.
"We are sorry for showing you this photo, But it's what we do."