

The problem is that unless you are in Manitoba or the North, most Canadians can go through their entire lives without meeting a single Aboriginal person (that they are aware of). It's difficult to care about people you've never met.

Adulto is Ed Sheeran, Karlie is way too self-composed.

I believe there's only two cases of survival at 21-weeks in history.

24-weeks is the current limit of fetal viability (a 50-50 chance of survival).

If you sink two dozen doctors and a few million dollars into a 20-week-old premature baby, it has a slim chance of living.

"When will the white community leaders stand up and condemn this epidemic of serial killers?"

Now, Kotex advertise with Canadian Lesbian Vampires.

Limbaugh tips, but you are free to donate that $2000 to the political cause of you choice.

Apparently, Limbaugh is a really good tipper.

I guess the Cult of Swift start the indoctrination process early.

Is Ellen Page the "average" woman? Everyone starts to look like Ellen Page after a while.

Your bunny looks like Rorschach from Watchmen, will he kill me in my sleep if I say no?


You get the Hep B vaccine at birth because Hep B in newborns can cripple them for life and one of the most likely places you can get a bloodborne disease like Hep B is in the hospital. Yes, sometimes woman honest do not know that they are Hep B positive, especially if they get infected later during pregnancy (on one

That is untrue.

"We are sorry for showing you this photo, But it's what we do."