


Judging from your comment history, I see you have diversified from reviewing porn sites to medicine.

What does the bible say on global labor arbitrage and nuclear proliferation?

Is this a blue/gold dress joke?

didn't read the article, did ya?

The word "Muslim" only appears twice in the entire post (one was a quote from a game maker, and the other was a reference to Islam jokes at a Lutheran school), where the hell did you get that idea?

Food bleaching =/= clothes bleaching.


There is very much the idea that the US that the president is simply just another private citizen and thus he entitled to his creature comforts and privacy just like the rest of us—so, there is a separation between the working part of the White House and the domestic part.

Bedrooms of Versailles did have commodes with chamber pots. Although the thousands of private visitors (even back in the days of the Sun King, Versailles was a popular tourist destination and anyone who can pay the fee would be admitted—you can rent a sword and respectable clothes at the concierge desk) didn't have

Praise be!

The problem is not convincing doctors that you are having a heart attack, it's noticing that you are having a heart attack in the first place before the ticker winds down completely.

But seriously, "weakness, sweating, or fatigue" is a ludicrously unhelpful constellation of symptoms and a triage nightmare, it could literally be anything.

I think people have mentioned that literally the entire cast of Zombieland is Oscar nominated.

You broke him, you keep him.

Crazy Stupid Love