
The Doctor Who reboot itself was inspired by the tone of Buffy, I guess they are just cutting out the middleman at this point.

I just assumed Underwood was one of those politicians who gets more hick-sounding the longer they stay in Washington.

Hathaway did get her boobs out in that one, so there's that.

Considering that the standard TV contract is 7 years. I think the producers will be fine.

Bones, Fox's NCIS.

I will watch a remake of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with Amy Acker.

Anyone still remember Kings? that NBC show that's all about David-and-Saul in modern America?
I thought it was fun while it lasted.

Most other shows have massive ensemble casts so that not everyone has to appear in every scene (see Star Trek, House—those endless scenes of the fellows doing their lab tests and MRIs are presumably there to let Hugh Laurie get some sleep). Unfortunately for Castle, it is a character driven drama that hinges on

The Boy's name was Thomas Thomas, And he talks like a GPS navigation system (TomTom is the most popular brand of GPS in Europe and the UK).

So what was your conclusion?

I have often been amused by those tracts (not Chick tracts, either, the regular ones), who talk as if the Accept-Jesus-into-your-heart was some hot new revelation. I taken high school World Religions, I'm pretty sure I can talk more in depth about Christianity than a half-size pamphlet, thanks.

Is there anything in the Bible that says John of Patmos and John the Apostle are different people? It's been a long time since Sunday school.

Basically, it's one of those abridged bibles with all the old stories told in contemporary language? Arn't there thousands of those things already?

Where is the fun Bones from season 2? Now they are just being tedious.

He's the milquetoast white psychiatrist who is perpetually afraid of his own shadow with a double PhD and the face of a 12 year old.

I think the addition of Boreanaz or any Whedon alum automatically confers the show a cult-status, whether it can keep it is a different beast.

That's her sister.

What I want to know is, How will they Americanise the story of "To Play the King"?
Non spoiler plot rundown:
Urqhart is prime minister and goes up against the highly popular monarch of the UK, who seems to be breaking the non-intereference clause of Constitutional Monarchy to fight Urquart on social issues.

You sort of get the feeling that he is one of those politicians who get more and more Southern and "folksy country" the longer they stay in Washington. It is a bit of an act.

the original House of Cards is comparable to Shakespeare's Richard III and Macbeth, and is delivered in a somewhat Shakespearean style. i.e. lots of dramatic asides and soliloquies.