“The Oregon Trail to Hell”? So, the Utah Trail?
“The Oregon Trail to Hell”? So, the Utah Trail?
He was the one holding the gun when it went off, but I certainly don’t think it was his fault.
A leather winged (two syllables) speedo, no less.
I’m totally willing to overlook the crimes of every single rocket scientist and nuclear physicist who was involved in the capitol riot.
They don’t have any. Good scientists tend to be liberals as reality tends to have a liberal bias.
If that time existed, it was further in the past than you think. Charles Dickens, for instance, used to do public readings of his work, and people would bombard him with questions about the tiniest minutia of his novels. And yes, Dickens totally counts as a fantasy author (he didn’t write fantasy exclusively, but…
Portal 2's J.K. Simmons. Cave Johnson is the best.
Could be worse. There could have been Sorting Underwear that figured out if you went to the boys’ dorm or the girls’ dorm.
when everyone knows theres 16 types.
Hey! I know that guy! His name was Ronnie and grew up in Bed-Sty!
Yeah, the biggest mistake was just hiring people who are shitty at writing movies.
Another Easter Egg: when one of the speeder bikes crashes it broke into three pieces exactly like the old toy did.
Eventually, it gets hard not to notice that pretty much everyone who has actually accomplished something is on one side of these kinds of arguments (anti cancel culture, hysterical wokeness is embarrassing and counterproductive) while the other side is, well, the kind of people who write for the AV Club, Jezebel, etc.
A Frank Stallone notification.............
I’m with you. I’ve only seen Rise of Skywalker once, and I don’t plan on ever seeing it again. And moreover, I can’t even remember anything about it. It was that disposable.
Now I don’t know what to believe!
Isn’t that literally the description of a professional actor?
Like your mum