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    Court of the Yellow King.

    I heard of someone finding their package on their roof. 

    I kind of hate Amazon. I worked there for many years and left when it became terrible.

    I’m sure a lot of rapists had really complicated lives. 

    I guess I’m an asshole, then. He was good at basketball, and he raped a teenager. He just had the good sense to do it before #metoo.

    As others have pointed out, the best rating and the worst rating are within one star on a five point scale, so within 20% of each other. BUT....

    That’s weird, friend. You must have an incredible tolerance for bad writing, or AMAZING teachers. I envy you.

    A Day no Pigs Would Die is one of those children’s snuff books. That one actually used to get banned, I believe. It could turn you vegetarian.

    I liked Grapes of Wrath. It wasn’t the best book I read that year or anything, but I sure don’t mind that I read it. It was probably top 75% of books I read for school.

    Yeah, I don’t know anyone who actually got past a few chapters who didn’t like it. It’s mostly just intimidating.

    Add a potato, you got a stew going!

    Yeah, it sucks when something used to be cheap and then everyone finds out about it. I could try to just be happy now more people get to enjoy what I enjoy, but instead I think about my empty wallet.

    Have you tried the rice cooker setting? I think there was an article on here about how great it is. Before I found out about that it was my stock machine.

    The exploding speeder bike was so cool.

    How much is the matinee? I’m on a budget.

    My guess is toys. I’m 43, so I remember seeing Jedi in the theater, but not the others. But years later my friends still had the toys. We all played with them and lost them and then blew them up. But kids younger than us got better toys. Then we got old enough to have kids, and you could still buy the toys, so we

    If you renamed “Solo” to “Untitled Star Wars Movie”, and dubbed it so he’s named... Sriracha Batavia (named after stuff on my desk), it would have been much better. I guess Chewbacca would have to be a big bug or chicken or something. Trying to put all that backstory crap in this one movie was just too much.

    Why would they do that?

    It’s the most realistic super hero movie ever!