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    Maul could have kept Maul’s genitals above his waist.

    I have some friends that I wouldn’t call stupid that voted for him, but none of them are willing to stand behind him anymore. I think being a Trump supporter after all this is sufficient to call someone stupid.

    So that rich people have a minor fine, and poor people have their lives ruined? I would assume that if it was an “or,” but I guess this is both.


    Tell ‘em, comrade! 

    It depends on the definition of is is.

    He likes a different type of porn star than me, which has been convenient. I think that would have been too much.

    I think it works well the way you have it.

    I disagree, but if someone said any of them was their favorite, I would understand. Except for that one.

    The obvious one is Pepe fellating a black fellow.

    Considering your picture and name indicate you are a woman, that shit must work like gangbusters.

    Except instead of talented athletes and performers, you get abs and makeup.

    People who like dril are better than people who don’t like dril. Ethically, socially, sexually, etc...

    To match his Camaro!

    With the Oscar bolted to the front as a hood ornament.

    Real beer comes from a tap! That is banged into a barrel!

    Reused McDonald’s cup, then.

    They’re raiding a meth lab hiding in a fumigation tent. 

    They were poor, they weren’t stupid.