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    I sincerely hope that they have shown him some amazing scripts. That promo really looks like what a promo for Rosanne looked like back in the day, and back in the day, it was amazing.


    Thank you!

    My awkward memory is having to leave for the rest of the movie as it traumatized me. 

    Yep, obviously ripped from Meaning of Life, but seems to be with love? It seemed that way with the references in the first Wreck-It Ralph. 

    Everyone seems to assume you are upset about the “spoiler”, but I took it to mean you didn’t want to subject yourself to this scene. Which, if this was going to get you, there are plenty of other scenes going to get you, too. But it’s really good if you can soldier through!

    It makes sense, he gets out his demons in a socially acceptable way.

    The beach. Bring backup.

    No, today they are the overdone enemy. When I was younger it was Nazis. When I was even younger it was... nothing, because enemies where gels and dragons and mushrooms and robots and ninjas....

    The description of the game makes it sound like something I would really like.

    Yeah, it’s a dumb joke. However, a person who is into fine dining isn’t going to be able to eat that way very often, unless they are rich. People who would want to be a fast food critic would be able to indulge every meal.

    I hate for them to not take a classic and important work like this seriously, but let’s be honest, it’s on Steam. No one who buys this on Steam is going to play it anyway. If you are really serious about it you just plug it in to your SNES you still have hooked up, if you are somewhat serious you use a ROM.

    But they have been in trouble for a while, and technology speeds things up.

    They have had three of those. Heart attacks took two, the last can no longer leave his front door.

    I felt like this video was really padded, as so many Youtube essays are. Just watch the 10 hour video of Makin’ Bacon Pancakes:

    He had a small part in the first Kingsman movie. He was good, and the movie was pretty fun as well.

    BUT.... the scene after that is pretty funny. A bit of The Office style cringe next to a dead body.

    Some of the comedy is pretty bleak. One of the funniest jokes is a visual gag about running people over.

    I sometimes wonder how they group these. For some reason, the entirety of humanity is combined with Kanye, as a group. Does that mean they got one Kanye vote, didn’t want it to be it’s own category, and it was the best fit? Was it half Kanye, and half people? Were there three for men, three for women, and four for