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    4 hours? Who has time for that! <Watches 8 hours of The Office in one night>

    Yeah, that would just be rude.

    Several people noted below that it’s weird the Atlantic Ocean has risen around LA, when LA is next to the Pacific Ocean. If you read the comic you get with a kids meal at Burger King, you find out there was a huge earthquake in ‘37 that rotates the entirety of North America 180 degrees, so LA is on the east coast now.

    He’s great in that. I had no idea it was him until the second time I watched it, and actually saw his name.

    Health problems.

    It’s worth noting that a bunch of those have intermissions built into them. Seven Samurai, Lawrence of Arabia, 2001, Sound of Music, for sure.

    Right now? OK.

    People who can’t sit through a 3 hour movie without a bathroom break are legion. We’re not doing it on purpose.

    Just keep the cup for a regular soda, and use it when you can’t hold your bladder anymore.

    Groundhog Day becoming a genre is kind of strange, but there are worse movies this could have happened to.

    Thank you!

    You’re welcome!

    How the hell am I supposed to tell if I liked something? I clicked the star, it went from 1 like to blank. DID I TAKE A LIKE AWAY? I’m so sorry...

    If he pulled a Chris Pratt and gained 100 pounds of abs he would have been fine.

    I upvoted, and I certainly see your point, but some things stand the test of time, and the Jetsons and Greatest American Hero are not them. Ugh.

    It’s harder to watch videos stealthily.

    Hulu is pretty nice, but I think I use Netflix more. I need to save some money, I’m think I might cancel one.

    We prefer “Yeters.”

    Yeah, some of us are at work, dammit!

    I’m surprised they haven’t. The bit where he enslaves a universe really should have brought them in.