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    Try Bojack Horseman on Netflix, it’s stupendous. It does take a few episodes to get really good, but it’s worth it, and it leaves Rick and Morty in the dust as far as mental health issues.

    There is a pretty long history of the main character being the bad guy. Gone With the Wind, for example. The Old Testament, if you want to get a little crazy. Lolita, Fight Club, etc... I don’t think you have to be a bad person to like these stories.

    I love how this list has some of every type of sci fi!

    When I want something fatty and salty, I try your mom. WOOOOOO!!!!!

    If you eat eggs, try those spicy bean ones with a fried egg, some greens, and sriracha.

    Wow, back of the testosterone, fella. That’s just my own experience with being vegetarian. Lentil soup with greens was good, fun spices were good, fake meat was terrible. Hippy parents.

    This one had video of the burger, reactions, and the patty actually being messed around with. I think this one was improved by video, but I support a transcript.

    I think you two are on to something here. The thing that makes you want to eat a hamburger is much more than flavor and texture, and a fake is never going to fix that.

    Absolutely, “Christian Rock” is a perfect metaphor for fake meat. Marketing over substance.

    Yes, but the Gandhi is Civilization Gandhi.

    I don’t know of any reason other than he’s the protagonist of the show, but I think that’s enough to know he does.

    Woo Evil Morty! I am all for people making Rick miserable, that’s when the show is the best.

    Or they died from being frozen, as is normal. Or they were killed by Cronenbergs. That’s the thing about this show, we can’t trust they live until they are specifically shown alive.

    It’s just because you live in California. I have had home grown honeydew here in Kentucky that were good, but when you get it in a store or in a fruit cup it is bland and oddly textured. Consider yourself lucky!

    I’m 90% sure they are doing it on purpose to explain why they changed from original to Next Generation.

    Ha! His parents hated him.

    Yes, I agree, it was intended to promote thought and discussion, not solutions.

    I’m super late to this discussion! Just want to put in my two cents, I’m really glad people seem to care about this modest Star Trek ripoff, because it’s the best!

    Well, that’s easy for you to say, hooman.