Actual Spider-Man is a lame hero. It’s Amazing Spider-Man or Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man for me.
Actual Spider-Man is a lame hero. It’s Amazing Spider-Man or Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man for me.
Because HE CAN!
I’m pretty sure we can come up with a few others.
Norm is the best. He’s wrong about not being anti-comedy, though. His moth joke is about the telling of jokes, really. No different then “why did the chicken cross the road?” Just at a much higher level. It’s also one of the best jokes ever told.
That would be a much more useful choice.
Yep, once you are rich enough, you should not be eligible for fines. Only jail time. (Not entirely kidding.)
That timeline sounds about right, my grandparents took about that much time.
Leather jackets, man! They are all practically the Fonze!
It’s gotten us this far!
Yes, you are not Schindler’s First.
That’s already a porno.
Oh no, she’s cheating on me with you!
I thought that Republicans getting shot would do it, but we’ve proven even that wasn’t enough.
I was just watching the series on Netflix the other day. I haven’t watched it since it was on TV as a kid. It is holding up well enough.
Upvote and reply only to increase the possibility that others will have to see that picture.
Here is a nice article about why we shouldn’t be supporting of Nazi punching, a belief I’m not sure I buy into, but think it’s worth a read:
He’s not your buddy, pal.
An interesting point. He may be good for the citizens of the Citadel, and only bad for our particular Rick and Morty. Figuring out who to root for would be an interesting kick in the urethra.
Yes, although it was very fast and easy to miss.