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    It’s used ironically, which is what this site is largely about. Pop culture and irony.

    I heard Hitler just had a really bad night playing cribbage. It happens!

    I thought it was implied it was the disease (or venom? Magic? Radiation?) because she died so fast. I don’t think an infection from a bite would take you down in a few hours no matter how rare a person brushes their teeth.

    Yeah, Frodo was a really lovable violent nutjob.

    How about a cat catching a mouse in your general vicinity? That shit is bonkers.

    Well, shit. Guess I’ll just edit it... Well, shit.

    I would have been satisfied with a Chaos Elk Duel.

    I really hope he continues to just be a nice guy. He helps to put everyone else in a nice relief.

    The Mel Brooks school of “throw everything at the wall and hope some sticks.” And it did stick, slightly tilted.

    Please, please, let him not become terrible like Trump. But he will probably become fairly terrible. I have only seen a couple episodes, so I’m sure you are all laughing behind my back.

    I didn’t notice until just now.


    I thought that for a second, but it was pretty clearly not that based on what Ralph says.

    It’s pretty divergent. I’ve known women where it was traumatic, and others where it was no big deal at all.

    The really knees to keep up with the news.

    I hate watching animals die, so this sounds like it would really get me, but I love Noir, so... I’ll never think about it again since it probably won’t be on Netflix?

    Chuck Norris. Exception that proves the rule?

    Is it in the Phantom Zone?

    How about a guy that fucked up, and seems, at least in this case, to be trying to fix himself?

    Yeah, kind of dickish, and I don’t care about tennis. I certainly don’t think of that as a virtue.