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    I live in Lexington KY, our mayor just announced that he is moving the Confederate statues from downtown. I really want to support the counter protest when this happens a 10 minute walk from my house, but I've got kids. I think I might be out of town when it happens, whenever that is.

    The open racism was worse recently, probably before your time though. The scary issue now is that the bigots have reached their red line, and we will have to fight their attempt to get back their privilege. If it stops at one protester dead, 19 injured, I will be shocked.

    Put someone on a motorcycle, that all goes to hell. Motorcycles are deathtraps on the road, no need to add stunts to the mix.

    Dying by being buried in a coal mine is the worst thing I can imagine.
    1. Dying
    2. In a scary as fuck way
    3. At work, instead of doing something fun
    4. Work is literally killing the planet
    5. No one cares.
    I'd rather be eaten by a shark.

    I say that's an argument against it, then.

    Yep, it's like giving an award for getting too fat or skinny for a role. Perverse incentives.

    My 18 year old cat died, and then 2 or 3 days later another cat showed up. We found her family, and they said we should just keep her, she wasn't getting enough attention there. She's really sweet, and very pretty.

    Before they get rid of stunt workers they need to get rid of fishermen, loggers, miners, and anyone who drives at work. I've ordered a pizza, bought something made of wood, and ate a fish lately, so I will still watch the movie.

    Things I am surprised are still legal:
    1. Home pools
    2. Trampolines
    3. Cigarettes
    Things that I am not surprised are still legal, but damn:
    1. Cheap handguns
    2. Cheap ammo
    3. Motorcycles

    Big dynamite-laden rickshaw has too many lobbyists.

    Those are crazy dangerous too. It's the cage that makes cars "safe." Most people have been in an accident that would have killed them if they were on a bike.

    But what is your position on glowy nun chucks? My vote: Just as stupid as the real thing, but more cool.

    By definition! Dictionary humor is the best.

    Send him to Guantanamo.

    Blue brains are recessive. They all got the dominant red brain genes.

    Ugh. This is how you get a civil war.

    Never ever.

    I hate that our civil war starts here, with these fucking losers.

    I loved Talespin, but it did not quite hold up last time I tried to watch it. it's kind of crazy they had air pirates that actually shot machine guns at the heroes.
    If they go to Cape Suzette in modern times and have an adventure with an old, unemployed Baloo, I could be cool with that. If they bring him into modern

    Yes, but since they are laden, they take quite a while to get there.