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    Yeah, the Wes Anderson one was closest, but the fire should have been put out with an antique fire extinguisher.

    Ha ha, they're going to die in a radioactive inferno!

    Spoiler tag, jeez!

    If everyone can do it, it's fair. Now people who benefited from screen peeking are disadvantaged.
    I have not seen a serious attempt at first person multiplayer with random maps, so everyone is on even footing. I think a game like that would be amazing, but probably only to a minority. I think many, if not most, FPS…

    It really is amazing.

    Is it too hard to hook your PC up to your TV? Couches are really great for gaming.

    Got a 170 on the internet one time. I was drunk.

    It's Lisafranken-steen! STEEN!
    I am picturing a big pink Frankenstein's monster, and instead of those bolts on his neck, rainbows.

    Yes, dragons flying around burning everyone, and what took me out was that mount. Was it made out of balsa wood?

    There are a ton of factors, but having access to a recipe for poison in the capital city that fits those descriptions wouldn't be the strangest leap they had in this episode, let alone the show.

    I'm OK with one scorpion within range that hasn't been destroyed. I'm really working on letting things not bother me on the show, since I still really like it. This is one I can write off easily.

    OSHA would not be OK with them being pre-poisoned.

    It's hyperbole, he could have said a million. Both are way out of line with reality.

    How about thyme?

    Yeah, but you go up to someone and give them permission, and then they won't touch you. It's a problematic situation.

    I'm cut in half pretty bad, Leonidas…

    If it addressed things like that it could be really great. They kill ugly babies for freedom? They study philosophy and rhetoric so they fight better? Getting raped as a kid makes you more manly? These people were weird, and addressing it would be really interesting.

    Yes, a Starship Troopers version of 300 could be amazing.
    edit: I said 200 instead of 300, like an idiot.

    Sorry about the sound quality last time, but I think I've got it figured out! Have you tried this new online game, it's pretty good! Thanks for tuning in, be sure to like and subscribe!

    He said a one dollar bill, this is totally different. It's a class thing.